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making an effort

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

This is me, attempting to get this blog back on track.

The kids have grown a ton, Joe & I have had some insane life experiences; we lost Bonnie (my mother-in-law) in September of 2018 and now we’re all struggling to recoup and find our new “normal” in life.

Blogging hasn’t been my form a journaling for a few years now and I really regret not keeping it up, even if only for personal  reasons. I have been utilizing Chatbooks to journal with photos since about 2012 I believe. That has been one of my better choices in life as far as journaling goes. Its easy, stress free, inexpensive, and great quality. The only issue I see would be once I die, my children will argue over who gets to keep the books. We have over 50 volumes now.

2019 has been a whopper of a year for us as a family and I’m going to try and share what we’ve been through, what went well, what pitfalls we experienced, and how we’re doing now. Just like how my brain works, I will most likely be jumping all over the place as far as timeline goes. Instead of attempting to start from the beginning and lay it all out in order, I may work backwards or I may just share by topics. Who knows. I’m just going with the flow.

Since Bonnie’s passing, I’ve had an overwhelming feeling that I need to start blogging again and share what's been happening in our lives. As we’ve worked and continue to work through our grief as a family, I’ve noticed that not many people know what options are available to them to help process their grief. Your mental health is just as important, if not more, than your physical health. In order to be our best selves, we need to be healthy from head to toe.

Here’s to the next step in our journey.

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